Solar Contractor Selected
We have selected KW Solar as our solar power installer. Before we can start the actual installation we need to wait for the panels to arrive and the go ahead from Demarva Power . I am told that this process can take up to three months – argh! In the meantime I am going to concentrate on cutting down some trees in the back-yard, removing the attic fan, and getting the electrical panels ready.
The solar system will consist of:
- The system will consist of 64 x SunPower 230 watt high efficiency solar panels.
- 2 x SunPower 7000 inverters.
- Sunpower and Locus Energy monitoring systems.
- Apple iPad 64GB 3G for remote system monitoring.
what is the angle of inclination for your array? Why don’t you go with 66 panels, Sunny Design shows that you can support that much power?
Hi Ken! I am not sure of the angle but 90% of the back roof will be covered in panels. The Solar Pathfinder tool says I am good to support that much power as long as I take some of the trees down.