Drill Baby, Drill!

Today was the first day of Geothermal well drilling. Originally the plan was to drill four ~300′ wells but after hitting a layer of rock they decided to go with three ~400′ wells instead. When everything is finished we will have about a half mile of underground plastic pipe providing over 7 tons of heating and cooling capacity. We wanted to place the wells in the back yard but since the ground is so wet  they weren’t able get the equipment up the hill so now we get to destroy the front yard also (smile). Once the wells are complete they will dig a trench to the basement and run the lines into the boiler room.

Day 1 drilling pictures are here and the video is here.

Update – We hit some water on days/ wells  2 and 3 but all three are now complete. The next step is to fill the shafts in with thermal grout to maximize heat transfer and then (next week) to trench to the house.  A few more pics are here. Our front yard never looked better…


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